
Category Management Fundamentals

Everything big starts small.

Better results and increased shopper satisfaction are the goals of category management. The seminar is based on the standards of the ECR category management process and ensures a common language for all partners of the CM process. By cooperating and applying the category management process manufacturers and retailers can successfully improve their results, drive category growth and implement shopper-oriented strategies. In the training we provide you with fundamental knowledge of category management and how to sustainably apply it in your company.

Learning Objectives

The training gives you an understanding of the ECR standard 8-steps process and the importance of a common language for all parties within the CM process. You will learn how to deliver growth opportunities for your company and how to optimise the tactics at the point of sale in order to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Target Group

This seminar is designed for participants with little category management experience who want to gain a comprehensive overview of the methodolody and the benefits of category management. It is aimed at retailers, manufacturers and service providers whose job functions involve

  • Category Management
  • Market Research
  • Shopper Marketing
  • (Trade) Marketing
  • Product Management
  • Purchasing
  • Sales
  • Key Account Management
  • Business Development

07. - 08.10.2025 Online-Training

2 days


Photo of Agnes Garve
Agnes Garve Participant management agnes.garve @ gs1.de